Tenshin Roshi gave this talk during the 2010 Rohatsu Sesshin at Yokoji-Zen Mountain Center. The Rohatsu Sesshin is an annual event, a time when participants deepen their practice to commemorate the enlightenment of Shakyamuni Buddha.

Direct download: Rohatsu_Sesshin.mp3
Category:Buddhism -- posted at: 8:30pm PST

Tenshin Roshi talks on Case 6 of the Blue Cliff Record, Master Ummon's 'A Good Day'. The talk was given during the October 2010 sesshin at Yokoji-Zen Mountain Center.

Direct download: A_Good_Day.mp3
Category:Buddhism -- posted at: 3:11pm PST

Tenshin Roshi talks about Zen Ancestor Bashubanzu (Vasubandhu) from Keizan Zenji's 'Record of the Transmission of the Light' (Denkoroku).

Direct download: Bashubanzu_-_Denkoroku.mp3
Category:Buddhism -- posted at: 9:07pm PST

Tenshin Roshi talks on Case 12 of the Gateless Gate, "Zuigen Calls Himself 'Master'". We will release a new podcast every month. Please subscribe or visit www.zmc.org/mediacenter to hear the talks.

Direct download: Zuigens_Master.mp3
Category:Buddhism -- posted at: 4:19pm PST

July 25, 2010

"Buddha Holds up a Flower" - Case 6 from the Gateless Gate

Tenshin Fletcher Roshi, Abbot of Yokoji-Zen Mountain Center, talks on the koan "Buddha Holds up a Flower". This is the first podcast from Yokoji-Zen Mountain Center. We will be releasing one at the beginning of every month. Please subscribe or visit www.zmc.org/mediacenter to hear the talks.

Direct download: Buddha_Holds_Up_A_Flower.mp3
Category:Buddhism -- posted at: 3:52pm PST